My name is Jens Schumacher. I am a Frankfurt-based graduate English and Italian translator and I run the translation and design studio IDIOM. Besides taking translation jobs in the fields of business and law, technology and IT as well as marketing and advertising, I also conceptualise and realise comprehensive design solutions for small and medium-sized companies. I specialise in customising and designing multilingual text contents, giving them an appealing shape. My customers appreciate the close and uncomplicated cooperation and my eye for detail.

Enquire now: +49 6081 928314-0

What IDIOM offers is extraordinary

Being the first of its kind, IDIOM offers translation, graphic and media services from a single source. This allows marketing materials to be customised to the corporate design of your company and your various target markets.


We translate texts in the fields of law, business, marketing and technology into the German, Italian and English language.


Text Design

We write or optimise your existing texts and adapt the layout to the corporate design of your company.

Text Design

Media Design

We design professional graphics and logos for print and web and attach much attention to their expression, function and aesthetics.

Media Design

Only a few of many satisfied customers

  • EasiRun
  • Ströhmann Steinkult
  • The Jodel Venture
  • DR. KLIPPE Consult
  • procedo Unternehmensberatung

Your orders are stored encrypted in IDIOM CLOUD

You can easily and securely upload your translation or design orders to IDIOM CLOUD, release them for further processing and share them with your employees and partner companies. Your data are securely transferred and encrypted on the server. This ensures that only the people you trust have access to your confidential files.

  • Secure transfer

    Our SSL certificate earned a rating of A+ from Qualys — this means that IDIOM CLOUD is more secure than the online banking of quite a few banks.

  • Easy sharing

    Share files right from within your IDIOM CLOUD account by sending temporary links to colleagues or business partners.

  • Encryption

    Files can be encrypted with AES 256 — they are neither scanned nor evaluated in any other way.

  • Fast exchange

    IDIOM CLOUD eliminates the need for troublesome email exchange. You are automatically informed about any changes in your folders.

  • Seamless integration

    You can access your IDIOM CLOUD account from any of your devices or directly integrate and mount it as a media drive into your operating system.

  • No file-size limit

    Upon request, we can remove all size restrictions, allowing you to upload and exchange even big media or project file packages.

IDIOM CLOUD. Exclusively for IDIOM clients.
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